I'm pleased to announce that I survived this very busy "appointment week." Monday started off with Jordan having an appointment with the developmental pediatrician. The same one we took Slava to last February who officially diagnosed his FASD. We decided it would be a good idea to have Jordan evaluated also since he has some of the physical attributes (including scoliosis) of FAS. The doctor confirmed what we already knew, yes, Jordy has FASD. But the difference between the 2 boys is significant. Slava has more of a mental disability along with ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder. Jordan's is more physical (small stature, scoliosis, etc.) but instead of the mental disability he has more along the lines of a learning disability and ADD. None of this was surprising to me, but it always makes me sad.
Sierra also took her 5 hour driving course and will be taking the driver's test in June. Jordan and Andrii both had dentist appointments (2 different dentists on 2 different days). And we finished up our home school co-op classes on Friday and had our closing program Friday evening. The kids all got their certificates stating that the completed their grade: Sierra 11th, Andrii 10th, Anna 6th, Jordan 2nd, and Slava - Kindergarten. Now if we can only actually finish for real! I'm hoping to be finished in about 2 weeks. Andrii is almost done, Anna should have another week or 2, Sierra is doing more online courses through Liberty University over the summer, and I continue a light but structured routine with the little boys over the summer. They need to retain what they've learned plus Slava needs the structured activities. And this proud mama is thrilled that Curtis is now officially an RPI engineering student. He's taking 1 summer course and will start full time as a junior there in the fall!
On Saturday Wayne and I took Andrii, Anna, Jordan, and Slava down to the Sound of Life radio station for a tour of the studio. When Tom Michaels-Zahradnik came to our home back in November to do a live broadcast for National Adoption Month, he invited us to come down for a tour. A few weeks ago he emailed to set it up. The tour was great! They have a small, jam-packed facility filled with radio technology. Tom and his wife, Cathleen, gave us a tour and then recorded us for the Sunday Brunch show!
The Sound of Life is on 91.1 fm plus you can live stream it on the web!
TMZ showing us how it works!
We weren't really expecting to be on the air, but TMZ took the opportunity to record some segments for Sunday mornings show and we got to talk about Justice For Orphans and foster care! All the kids and Wayne and I got to talk. It was so much fun!
Slava loved it!
I'm continually amazed at how the Lord keeps opening the door for JFO to be on the radio. Mary and I would never have thought "Let's try to get on the radio." But the Lord opened the door and continues to lead us to the air waves! It's very humbling to me. Aside from the fact that I like to talk, especially about the Father's heart for orphans, I have no formal training in communications or ministry. Yet, I keep finding myself in both camps! I guess that's how we really know it's the Lord and not us! After recording the segments, Tom and Cathleen met with Wayne and I to present some ways we can partner with the Sound of Life as business partners and to promote JFO. We've got some things to pray about. We really want to support Christian radio; It is such a valuable ministry here in the northeast. Did you know that Albany, NY is one of the least Bible-minded areas in the country? And here we are. The Sound of Life has 4 transmitters with a 5th one that is currently off-air with the intention to move it to a better location in the Heldebergs (Pinnacle!). Until that transmitter is moved and on, Albany will not get a good signal. We're hoping to be a part of making that happen.
TMZ also presented us with some partnering ideas for Justice For Orphans. One would be for us to promote National Adoption Month throughout November with lots of promotional announcements, adoption fact spots, and interviews. Of course air-time isn't free, but Wayne feels like he can help JFO with this project. A couple other opportunities are more on-going and come with a bigger price tag. I feel like we will do what we can do, and we'll trust the Lord for what He wants to do and what only He can make happen. I believe that radio is an excellent way for us to rally the Church for the cause of the fatherless. This is a big part of JFO's mission. The Sound of Life spans much of eastern NY and parts of 5 other States and has the potential to reach 1.5 million people.
As the Lord continues to open the door we will step through it in faith. We know our mission: (1) Rally the Church for the cause of the fatherless, (2) Advocate for Christian families to adopt, foster, and do global orphan care, and (3) Support and encourage families who have said yes to the orphan. All for the Glory of the Lord!