My last post wasn't really about the family, so I guess I better blog about the kids. At the end I will update on some more of what God has been showing me about orphans & trafficking.
"Jesus Loves Us-by Anna & Slava"
Jordan, Curtis, Slava & Anna
Anna (on right) our flag girl.
Anna (I can't believe she's 12 already) is on our church's flag team.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Flach Jr.
My precious son & daughter-in-law at my nephew's wedding.
Andrii & Sierra
February was full of doctor & dentist appointments. Curtis had a minor surgery on his mouth, Anna got 3 fillings, and Sierra is scheduled to have all 4 wisdom teeth out. We got good news (and answered prayer) on Jordan. He saw the pediatric endocrinologist and she was pleased...he grew a whole inch since August. His blood work was great too. She took another x-ray (I think this kid could probably glow in the dark from all the x-rays he's had) of his hand and said we didn't need to come back for another year! We enjoyed my nephew's wedding, Wayne took Andrii and 2 of his buddies (and Jordan) up to camp for a weekend, and then I blinked and now it's March!
I believe God is giving the green light on me (and my Pastor's wife, Mary) going to Christian Alliance For Orphan's Orphan Summit in California in May. As I was looking over the details of the conference I came across the workshop listings. In between the key-note speakers are 15 breakout sessions to choose to attend. They are all adoption/orphan/foster care related of course, but 2 caught my eye. Aside from the "How to begin an orphan ministry" meetings (which we're interested in) there is a workshop on Ukraine's orphans and a workshop on Orphans & the Global Human Trafficking Crisis. These are exactly the things on my heart. Then a few days ago I got an update on the Summit and Dr. Karyn Pervis of Texas Christian University's Child Development Dept. will be speaking at a pre-conference session. Last summer I read Dr. Pervis's book on behavioral issues in adopted children. Her book was so helpful to us in parenting Slava that I even ordered a dvd of her teaching her techniques for Wayne & I to watch together. Last summer I was hoping she would be speaking somewhere in our area, but it didn't appear that she does much in the way of speaking engagements. And now here she will be at the Summit. God knew that would get my attention. Pastor Stan gave Mary the green light to go, now I'm just waiting for God to give the green light to Wayne so I can go.
On that note I'd like to share a God-moment I had the other day. I had an eye appt followed by a hair appt and found myself with 40 minutes between the 2. My first reaction was to go to Dunkin Donuts, get a coffee, and sit in the car and read my book...for 40 quiet, uninterrupted minutes. But then I had this thought that I should go into the Silver Spoon Cafe for a cup of soup instead. I figured that was a strange thought, it would be weird, and I'd rather sit alone. But I felt like God was nudging be to go where people are. So I went in, grabbed a booth, and ordered up a cup of soup. While I set there, by myself, in walked a young couple that I knew from town. This Christian couple, I knew, is in the process of adding on to their house to expand in order to add more children to their family. They have 2 little ones of their own (and one precious angel in heaven), and have done foster care. When they saw me in the cafe they made a beeline for me wanting to discuss...adoption. They're feeling called to adopt a child from Russia and wanted to talk about international adoption. Anyone who knows me knows that my favorite thing to talk about is orphans and adoption! They want to set up a meeting with me to talk all about it. I walked out of the cafe that day knowing I'd just had a God-appointed meeting. The Lord is certainly directing my steps towards orphan ministry. My plan is to say "yes" to Him as He guides me along.
Thanks for listening...or reading!
In Him,
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