Orphan Sunday

Orphan Sunday
Summer 2014

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Derpstein Chronicles

We have Sierra to thank for the title of this post.  I walked away from the computer and she, being a derp herself, typed in the title.  "Derp" is sort of a word she uses often.  She calls the little kids "derpies" and sometimes "big derps" or "McDerpsteins".  She's sooo creative.  And a bit crazy!  At least she makes me laugh!  Sometimes I'm a bit envious of her, like the other day when it was rainy and she spent most of it curled up in a blanket reading Gone With The Wind.  Oh to be a teenager!

Happy Birthday, Andrii!
 Last Sunday we had a family birthday party for Curtis (now 21) and Andrii (now 16)!  I took Andrii to get his permit on Wednesday and he passed!  We now have 2 drives with permits in our house - and on the road!  The official ages of all the kids at home are:  7, 9, 13, 16, 16, and 21.  And they are all great kids!
Andrii's eyes have been healed!  For a long time now Andrii has been wanting to wear contacts instead of glasses, and really he'd like to not have to wear any corrective lenses at all.  He could frequently be seen at the altar at church receiving prayer for his eyes.  Last fall while the youth were on retreat they had a powerful prayer time.  Kerri prayed specifically for Andrii's eyes to be healed.  By the time he got home from the retreat he could no longer wear his glasses because his vision would blur with them on.  Me (of little faith) kept watching him while he did his school work without his glasses, to see if he could really see without them.  Andrii had crossed eyes when we adopted him at age 9 and the pediatric optometrist said he wasn't a candidate for surgery and that he should never wear contacts.  The sight in his one eye was so poor that if anything ever happened to the better eye, he'd never be able to get a drivers' license.  I hadn't taken him back to the doctor (dreading she would yell at me for him not wearing his glasses - she's like that).  But since he would be getting his learners' permit, I figure I'd better get his eyes tested first.  The miracle is confirmed!  Andrii's eyes have "significantly" improved - as in more than 50% improved!!!!  He still has corrective lenses, but his prescription has vastly improved - and the boy has contact lenses now too!  We give God all the glory!

Foster Parent Training Complete!
 Yes, I said "foster parent training"!  Justice For Orphans hosted the training provided by Northeast Parent & Child Society.  Wayne & I took the classes for a few reasons:  (1)  His brother Aaron and his wife Becky also took the classes and we want to be able to babysit and/or do respite for them.  (2) Since JFO advocates for Christian families to do foster care, we wanted to know how the process works.  (3) In the near future, we would like to foster.  Right now we do not have an open bed and Slava needs to make some more progress too.  But we are always open to what ever the Lord calls us to do for the fatherless.  The MAPP classes were very informative and we learned a lot.  It was worth the 10 week commitment.
Anna & Slava
 The warmer weather actually got me out of the house for a walk.  Anna and the little boys joined me and we went all the way up the road.  Slava complained of being tired (yes, the kid who goes non-stop all day everyday...go figure).  He got a piggy-back-ride on the way back.
 We even discovered this wooly-bear crossing the road on the way.  After some careful inspection, we assisted him to the other side safely.
Officer Flach
 Daddy got this set of 4 walkie-talkie radios that look like what real policemen wear on their belt.  The little boys have been having a blast with them.  Jordan really wants to be a policeman, so he's in his glory playing with them.
Plain-Clothes Officer Flach
I really wanted to take a minute to share about a curriculum I'm using with the little boys.  It's called "Character Concepts" and I love it.  I think it would be an entire blog post on it's own, so I'll do it separately in a day or two.  Until then, my fellow derps, have a blessed day!

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