Orphan Sunday

Orphan Sunday
Summer 2014

Monday, July 23, 2012

Jordan's Surgery

Jordan's surgery this morning went very well. He went into the OR around 8am. I always accompany him until he's under. I even get to wear scrubs, but I look more like a garbage man than a doctor! They let Jordy hold the mask over his own face. He asked them if they were ready, then he breathed deeply, and off to sleep he went. Wayne and I waited until Dr. Carl came for us an hour later. All went well, he lengthened about 9mm. We were out of post op and into his room by noon. Daddy went to work and both Jordan and I took a little nap. Gram & Poppy Ken stopped by for a visit and so did Wayne Jr. The Children's Hospital here at Albany Med is an excellent facility. We were visited by a puppy and Jordy got to do a craft. He hasn't complained of much pain which is better than our visit back in January. Staying the night helps too. They put a drain on him so fluid drains from the surgical site which helps prevent infection, and he also gets IV antibiotics. It's piece of mind for me since scar tissue is more prone to infection, and each time we do rod lengthening it's always the same site. He's more interested in the Tv (I confess he watched Cops earlier). He wants to be a policeman! But right now he's watching the Olympics (now he wants a speedo)! What joy this child brings to my life. My heart aches when I think of the life he would have had had we not adopted him. Since he had crossed eyes and a severely crooked spine, Jordan would have went from the baby orphanage to an institution for the disabled which in Ukraine would have been a nightmare & a death sentence for him. I praise God that He wrote us into Jordan's life story AND that we said YES! Recently Andrii shared his testimony in church. He shared on God's love. We didn't know what he was going to say, but he opened up about living in an orphanage. He talked about he and Anna going to Chicago 2 summers in a row and were hosted by a family who wanted to adopt them, but they didn't want Jordan because he had medical issues. Since Andrii was at the age where he had to consent, he refused to be adopted by that family because he knew he had a younger brother and he wanted his family to be together. Then along came us! On our way to meet Andrii & Anna for the first time we were told about how they'd been to Chicago twice. We didn't know why Andrii refused to be adopted by that family, and we worried that he wouldn't want us either. But on that very first meeting he said yes to being adopted into our family! God honored Andrii's desire to keep his siblings together. The older a kid gets and added siblings greatly reduce a kids chances of getting a forever family. We know that we are part of a miracle. Andrii experienced God's love. Adoption is the greatest way to model the Gospel: redemption, new life, sacrificial love, and the Father's heart. Well I must wrap this up, Jordan wants me to surf the web for speedos!

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