Orphan Sunday

Orphan Sunday
Summer 2014

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

3 Days To Go!

Last night we had a birthday party for Anna. Technically her birthday is Friday, but that's the day we fly out so we celebrated Monday night which was Wayne's birthday too! We had a soup supper with Anna's favorite - borsht! I made 2 other kinds of soup too cuz not everyone else will it purple soup!
Today my precious daughter-in-law came by to learn the home-schooling ropes. She will be helping the kids while we're away. I obtained travel insurance too. An email came from our facilitator saying that we do not have to worry about old bills vs new bills. The new style money is fine! At least that's one less thing to worry about. I still have more packing to do, but with a 50 lb per suitcase limit I'd better be done soon! We're only bringing 1 suitcase each, so I'm trying to pack smart...ha ha.
There are so many more details to tend to in order for our home to run smoothly while we're away. Wayne just reminded me that election day occurs while we're away, so he wants me to look into absentee ballots...it's not a presidential year, do I have to add that to my list, Honey? I'll look into it though.
I can't wait until I'm seated on the airplane so I can just sit and do nothing for a few hours!

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