Orphan Sunday

Orphan Sunday
Summer 2014

Friday, December 3, 2010

Back To The Dentist With Slava

Poor little Slava was holding the side of his face this morning which indicated he's still having pain in that tooth. I called the dentist and she had me bring him in at 1pm. We actually had a good, albeit busy, morning with him. My heart broke for him at the dentist though. He cooperated with the x-ray which revealed a very deep cavity right down to the root. He also had some swelling already starting indicating an infection in it. He submitted to the novocain and when he was good and numb the dentist began to drill out the decay. It was packed with food and she tried to pick it out, but that part didn't go so well. He cried so hard and I felt so bad for him. She packed it with a very tiny piece of medicated cotton and put a temporary filling in it. We also got a prescription for an antibiotic to take care of the infection. If we have trouble with it she will finish with a permanent filling on Mon/Tues. But if he does well and the temp filling holds, then we won't go back until the 14th. He slept on the way home from the dentist which was good because Anna watched him in the car while I ran in to the pharmacy for the meds.
He's been very good since we've been home. I'm wondering if the pain from his teeth might have been contributing to some of his poor behavior. Also it seems that in some way the cavity issue may be helping with the bonding process. He wants me and asks for me all the time. He's always saying "peeshly" which I think means "come with me" because he wants me to go with him to some part of the house, usually my bedroom where he likes to sit on my bed and listen to music...and rocky-rocky. Rocky-rocky is the term we fondly use to refer to the rhythmic rocking back and forth that orphanage kids learn to comfort themselves. Last night we had Jordan, Slava, and even Anna in there doing rocky-rocky! Sierra even attempted it this morning! When we first adopted Jordan his rocking sort of disturbed me. Now it's just a part of who he is. He can be found at certain times of the day, in my room rocking to Christian music. And now Slava is right there too. I've come to appreciate and understand rocky-rocky.

So, it seems we are yet again experiencing answer to prayer. But please don't let up on those prayers. We, and especially Slava, still need all the help we can get. God is faithful and we cannot do this without Him.

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